Friday, July 25, 2008

"It's time" (low voice)

All of my High School friends at TGI Fridays. What? Not Red Robin? We kept RR in business from 1996-1998. Little do you know...Andy Garcia was our waiter/photographer. I'm serious, this guy was like Andy's clone minus 20 years. Anyway, here is the the group of girls that made High School such a memorable experience. I'm going to steal a little bit of Lisanne's format from here blog and mention a little something about all of the friends.
Melina (blue shirt left) AKA: Mel Mel, Shmel Shmel, you were always the one the boys wanted. Your nails were always long and beautiful. I will always remember your hands being cold and purple :) You are like the sweetest, and most kind person ever. You and Matt make such a cute couple! By-the-way, love the agressiveness with the sweet potato fries.

Liseanne (brown shirt middle) AKA: Fleece. You were by far the most wild of the bunch, next to me of course. Stealing your grammy's car in the middle of the night, altering your report cards, and donning scantily clad outfits were some of your best moments. No really you were a blast to hang with. You're such a great Mom and homemaker.

Natalie (black shirt left) AKA: Natty, Patsi, Nancy, Genitalia, oh my the list could go on forever. I'm seriously laughing out loud right now thinking of your "Sewing with Nancy" face. Nat, I married my husband because he has your name. Not even lying, you are that cool. You were close with all of us. It just didn't seem the same unless you were around. Love that little Gracee by the way, her butt is the cutest thing ever.
Karalee (blue shirt left) AKA: Shi Shi. Okay who decided to spell it Shi Shi and not Shy Shy? Your brows look amazing by the way. Shi what can I say...I love that Shane Tribe gave you that nick name. This is going to be really long and maybe cheesy but I just have to tell you... I remember one time you didn't have your homework all the way done for AP English and you were going to hand it in anyway; for some reason I knew you could easily get the answers from your classmates but you were like oh well if I fail I fail. You felt better to fail then to have cheated. I gained so much respect for you that day. After school special? Yeah I know but I have thought about that experience many times especially during college.

Kerri (black shirt middle) AKA Corina, Ker. You had the coolest car! (Nissan Pulsar) I loved that you could always get into your car from the sun roof. Came in very handy when you locked your keys in there ;) Ker, you would do anything for anyone, that is actually an understatement. You are so creative and talented. Thanks for doing my "make-up makeover" project for Ms. Chandler's class. I would have never put it together as cute as you did.


Patterson5 said...

Hi it's Mel Mel(low voice) HA!Ha!HA! Funny! How many times did we hear "it's time"(low voice)? That statement can be associated with many good times! I can't stop laughing about Nat's name Genitalia! Okay you and Liseanne are great at writing, I'm so glad you both put us all "in our place" so well. Ya, Liseanne was definitely the sneaky one! While we are on the after school specials, remember when you told me if a person thinks something nice about someone, that compliment isn't theirs to keep and to give the compliment? I think that is wonderful advice and have applied that over the years! Your an awesome person Jacquetta!
P.S. Lay off the hands.

Chapman Herd said...

Jacque....I hope my parents don't read your blog...I still don't think they know that I "Altered" my Report Card. And just in case they are reading it..I NEVER changed grades...Just tardies and absences....and MAYBE a grade or two. I honestly can't remember! I had SOO much fun hanging with you and the gals! You need to visit more often! BTW...Where is your photo's of the waiter and Andy?? I want to see the comparison!!

Karalee said...

our little choo choo train whistle! Thanks for the great post and walk down memorey lane! You know that mrs van dyke had super human powers(evil? maybe!) and she totally would have caught me :)!! Must you bring up that class! I try to push the memories of her torture into my subconsious! Really, I learn more in that class than in any college class I took at Weber..even though I got a D the last quarter!!
I remember how fun and funny you were (are) to hang out with,but that if the situation needed it, you also have a deep spritual side and could share you testimony so well! Thanks also for going on a double date with the Todds' to 49th street galleria. Good times! Thanks also for being my Weber State buddy! My second year there was so much better then my first cause of you! Sorry I made you sign up for that career class and then ahhh....dropped out!! But I bet you learn a lot :)!! Your the best! Love shishi!

Karalee said...

Also, Glad we got to see Tess! She is so cute! Hope you are feeling better!