Tuesday, August 19, 2008


My sister-in-law Melissa entered Nat's name into a drawing for a scooter and he won! He was so excited that he had actually won something but his excitement soon ceased after he realized the scooter only goes 25 mph (top speed). Needless to say I ride it more than him. Here is a pic of my wonderful neighbor Annie and I posing for a "Dumb and Dumber" pic (her idea, I'm not that creative). Check out my sweet house behind us. The third car garage comes in handy for parking the scooter!


Anonymous said...

Awesome Pic....I really like your house too. Nat is an awesome builder.

Chapman Herd said...

"Those Skiis yours?"


"Both of them?"

I love Dumb and Dumber! And I love the picture! That is Awesome that Nat won! Congrats!

p.s THank goodness for that third Car Garage!!!

Karalee said...

I love it!!! Congrats nat for winning! How long would it take you to ride that to syracuse to give me a turn?!

Rachel said...

Love the scooter. It's really sweet in the dark with its single 12V bulb for a headlight. You might want to get a flashing neon vest!

Britt said...

Wow, that picture is hilarious!! Thanks for the laugh- glad things are going well for you guys.