1. Would the "Man in the Yellow Hat" be as patient with George if he were a real child and not a monkey?
2. TEAM CRAMER all the the way!! Jon Stewart, have you ever even watched CNBC?!!!! I do and I find the reporters/anchors the most competent unbiased I've seen, and believe me I'm extremely critical of how the news is presented!
3. Why is juice good for you and bad for you at the same time?
4. Demetri Martin is a comedic genius, but I have this feeling that he is also an academic genius.
5. Oh Cascade dishwasher detergent why do you taunt me so? You're dangers are clearly labeled in large print yet I can't resist your toxic smell. I just want to crunch your chalky powdery texture between my teeth.
6. I met the most interesting woman the other day. She was bald and wearing a bandanna on her head and a shirt that read "Trigger Therapy." When asked about her shirt she proceeded with great enthusiasm to tell me how therapeutic it is to shoot milk jugs filled with colored water with her 22 riffle and pistol.
The woman's name was Buddy, a very fitting name indeed. Somehow we got on the topic of her baldness. She said she had been pulling her hair out since she was 11 years old (now in her 40's). During her happier years she would let it grow a little bit but would always return to pulling it out completely.
This lady was a sheer delight to be around. I had to fight back a tear or two while in her presence. I'm not sure why I became emotional (besides the pregnancy factor), but I think it might be because it was so refreshing to meet such an interesting person. Maybe I realized that there are so many good and interesting people in this world and for some odd reason Vernal houses a lot of them.
7. I thank my lucky stars that I wasn't born in Sudan. (currently reading "What is the What" by Eggers)
8. Does anyone else get annoyed at Kyle Kover brushing his bangs aside after every shot? Get a clip or head band or something!
9. Tess I love you so. Every little facial expression you make melts my heart, yes even the pouty lower lip mad expressions.
12 years ago
I totally agree that Kyle Korver needs a bobby pin. Give me a break! I'm not so sure about the cascade thing...
Don't tell me . . . you met this strange woman in Walmart. Vernal + Walmart= all sorts of possibilities.
I was just thinking that same thing about the Man in the Yellow hat today!:)
Rebecca Walters
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