I just got back from WalMart, well more like an hour ago, its taken that long for me to calm down enough to write this. I had a hundred dollars cash (I know, who carries cash anymore) in my pocket and I thought for sure that would be enough for groceries, diapers, batteries, etc. Well the grand total was $274.66. I got in the car and actually started to CRY. I haven't cried real tears in a long time; I was actually BAWLING, red face, runny nose, you know the feeling. When I brought the groceries in the house I think Nat was a little scared of me. He asked me why I was crying and I responded with "HOW MUCH DO YOU THINK I SPENT ON GROCERIES!" "uh..$130?" Yeah I wish! Except for milk, eggs, and bread I'm not going to buy any more groceries until we are completely out of food! Canned food that has been lurking in my cupboards for way to long... say good bye to Susan comma lazy.
"Save Money Live Better" uh... more like "Spend Thousands Die Crying"
12 years ago
Oh my heck, I am right there with you!!! Why does it seem like I buy the same things every week and every week it costs more and more!! I never know who to blame- Walmart who knows that I have to buy everything there because it is a teeny tiny bit cheaper, or should I blame the kids who seem to eat up every penny we have with their need for food, and clothes and stuff (seriously $15 for jeans for a 6 year old?!), but usually I just blame myself for obviously not being able to budget our money well enough. In high school I thought that my life was soo stressful and I couldn't wait to be an adult and make all those big adult decisions -serves me right! Wow, sorry this is so long, I guess your post really hit home for me :) It was really great to see you guys last weekend! So fun to see everyone's little rugrats running around together!
Hey girl! This is gonna be a long comment! My heart goes out to you! I have done that exact thing, crying in the car at walmart(the only place to shop in brigham so they can mark up the prices!!). Im thinking "Im so gonna have to go back to work just to feed the dang kids, How the H*ll did I spend so much?!"
In my old ward, Josh and I talked in church before livy was born. I mentioned that I didnt know if I would keep working or quit cause life is so dang expensive. This lady sent me a letter after and I read it EVERYTIME Im thinking how life sucks without money and would be better with more :)! So Im totally gonna share the letter with you. Hope you dont care me going all churchy. Believe me, it doesnt happen often. :)
Here is some of her awesome letter:
" When you mentioned you were struggling with worry how you and your husband were going to be able to afford a new home and baby without having to work, I nearly jumped out of my seat to root you on as I had the same experience.
This month, 28 years ago I had my first child. I was working as I had too, to supplement my income. It didnt take long to know I needed and wanted to stay home with my new baby. On paper, it was impossible, but in my heart I knew what I needed to do and decided to settle on beans and weinies and living in a not-so-fancy house. I promised the Lord that I would settle for this my entire life, if I needed too, if he would just help us find a way for me to be able to stay home with my new little one.
I can't tell you exactly how to make it happen, but through your obedience and exercising faith, I know things will work out for you as they did for me. I have been blessed beyond my needs and wants. Good luck and may the lord bless you."
I love this letter. Its hard living on one income these days. I am so not judging those that work and Im sure I will have to and want to return to the workforce again, but for the meantime I just take it one day at a time and hope the money will be there for the necessities (sad, Im know).Thanks for sharing your experience and letting me know Im not the only one who cries at the thought of walmart. You are an awesome mom and wife. Tess and Nat are lucky and blessed to have you!! You Rock!
I have a love/hate relationship with Walmart....I love that they are less expensive but I hate that they take ALL my money. If it makes you feel better...My grocery bill...we are talking JUST FOOD, not toilet paper, laundry soap etc..FOOD ALONE is close to $400 and all that other stuff? CLose to $200. But I agree with Shi on this one. As "churchy" as it may seem, its true. And I also agree 100% with Shi that Nat and Tess are lucky to have you! You are a great Mom!
Okay so we call Walmart The Evil Empire. I hate Walmart but still shop there...dumb huh? Just the other day we went grocery shopping there and going down the aisles, seeing how much everything was and how fast everything added up got me so angry. I usually just get angry when I go grocery shopping because I hate it and I hate it because its expensive. Matt seriously looked at me and said, "are you okay?" Then he said next time he was just going to go because I was so ornery. So I feel for you.
I loved Shi's comment too. Just keep on going, were here for you and feel for ya!
Since I seem to be the only one of the "girls" that hasn't posted...and Natty...I thought I should post too. Chris and I are living on two budgets and don't have kids and we still hate wal-mart. Mostly because of the prices and some of it is because it is North Ogden and it is...well...let's just say it is GHETTO! However, I know that everyone of you is doing the right thing by staying home with your kiddies. I had a stay at home mom and I turned out great. (wait...maybe that wasn't such a good example) But really Chris and I struggle with the prices of things today. The food isn't such an issue as there are only two of us. However, we do spend 800 a month on gas! And no Jackie we don't have gas guzzlers :o) Love ya!
If you didn't live in Vernal, I'd tell you to shop at Target. It's more expensive, but it's much happier! Hello, did someone say "Isaac Mizrahi"?
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